Bulls HC Jim Boylan Says They Need More "Fight", Brings Matadors To Practice
/We all had a high school history teacher that looked just like this…
Last week, Chicago Bulls interim head coach Jim Boylan told reporters his team needed more "fight". Boylan has struggled to get himself and his team on the same page as of late. The Bulls players even contemplated staging a walk out of a practice after back to back games last month.
Although Boylan has been described as an "old school" and "tough" coach, his latest stunt to bring more fight to his team involves bringing live bulls and Spanish matadors to the next Bulls practice.
"Yes, I know it's extreme," Boylan told local reporters. "But what's a better way to put more fight in the Chicago Bulls than bullfighting. Made sense when I said it out loud. And because I don't think before I speak, I told our staff to get the finest matadors that Spain had to offer."
However, the rest of the Bulls roster felt differently. Bulls guard Zach Lavine was asked for his reponse in the Bulls locker room, stating, "Is Will Ferrell around here somewhere? Because this is the same kind of white people s*** you expect to see in Will Ferrell movie. And I'm bi-racial. So the black half of me is telling my white half to calm the f*** down 'cause I kinda wanna try this bullfighting thing... but I also don't wanna die."