Scott Steiner Hired To Teach Math at Univ. of Michigan
/This is how he mounts his freaks…
Say hello to Professor Scott Steiner! Earlier this week, the “Big Bad Booty Daddy” was hired by his alma mater to teach College Algebra. Steiner, a standout collegiate wrestler, is a semi-retired pro wrestler who has competed in WWE, WCW, and TNA. Michigan got wind of Steiner’s prowess in arithmetic in 2008 when he cut a promo on Samoa Joe, as you can see below:
In a radio interview with WPEDs, Steiner was ecstatic about his hiring, “Gimme the f***in’ phone. If ya look at— if you— muscles don’t lie ‘bout money baby. Take my chin as in for ‘zample [example], hook up chin to money and dat how the money multiply by Xfinity. Add contrast to Comcast and you got all the mo’ money in my muscle pocket. Math is f***in’ easy. All my freaks gon learn some arith-tic [arithmetic]. Pass the blunt! Holler… if you hear me mothaf***a!”
It’s going to be an interesting semester at Michigan.